Abstracts: Abstracts should be up to 500 words and include a title and clear information about the motivation, methods, and results of the study.

The abstract submission is mandatory. In addition to the abstracts, you can also submit papers in pdf format. Papers may be up to four pages long and should be in a two-column format. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference as posters. The papers will not appear in a printed proceedings volume, and no copyright will be claimed.

There are two types of submissions:

• Summaries of already published work related to cognitive science. These will not be peer-reviewed, but the abstracts will be used to determine the program. Please make sure you reference the original paper on which the submission is based. We would like to encourage the submission of these papers to disseminate them widely in the cognitive science community.

• Original, unpublished work and ongoing research including pilot studies, computational modeling, and preliminary experiments. Since we do not claim copyright, you are free to re-submit it elsewhere after the symposium.

At most two submissions by the first author will be allowed. Submissions should adhere to the criteria mentioned above.

The submission language is English. All submissions are evaluated by peer reviewers who make recommendations to the Program Committee. The final decision of acceptance is made by the Program Co-Chairs.

Please apply to the symposium via this link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ISBCS2024/

Note: The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.

Last Updated:
18/02/2025 - 13:34